
I am so bored. But I'm not so tired, even though I'm suppose to sleep. I am so bored, so I am going to write in english. Don't know why. Mayby beacuse I am going to London in April? Or beacuse english is my favorite subject in school? This year I am going to get MVG in english, not VG. I am going to work really hard, like last year and get higher grades. In svenska too. And hopefully in like hemkunskap and some other subjects. Let's hope for that! My grades now are pretty good, but they can always get higher. In the line in high school I am seeking in to, you don't have to have so high grades but I want to have it anyway. That way I am sure that I am going to get in iin Vård & Omsorg on Rinman skolan!
Okay, mayby I should sleep now, it's 1.30 am! So late, soon 2 am! (No Jessica, 2 AM not PM! ;)), (<-- Inside joke haha), And I have to get up early. Hopefully tomorrow morning I'll eat breakfeast, becasue the school day is very, very long. From 8.20 pm to 4.10 pm! I really hate mondays. Okay then, goodnight everyone, sleep tight!

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